Free 4-LESSON course

Your Most Powerful Leverage Point as a Female Cultural Change Agent


If you are here, you likely KNOW that the world NEEDS us women to be fully empowered NOW! This must be Holy, Joyful Power--not the power to dominate that has been so abused under the old patriarchal paradigm. You want to bring everything you have to your life and your work!

If you resonate with any of the above, this Course is for you! Here is an overview:

Class 1--Discover Your Secret Power Point for Leverage to Transform the Patriarchal Power Structure. We will also explore rare Knowledge in both Western and Eastern wisdom traditions about the sacred architecture of the human body and the body as a Temple of the Divine. (Hint: This is not just a metaphor!)

Class 2--A Mini-Workshop in Essential Chi Gong. Experience the different qualities of the Three Main Energy Centers of Your Body. How to enliven and circulate energy throughout your body to cultivate more vitality and orgasmic pleasure in daily life.

Class 3--Understand and Experience the "Inner Marriage." How the "Sacred Sexuality" between your own "feminine" and "masculine" energies can develop a template for a rich intimate partnership, if you want to express your sexuality with another. How to fulfill that natural desire for Sacred Union, so you can fully enjoy your life, with or without a sexual partner.

Class 4--Bringing it all Home to Your Female Body. Energy work alone is not enough. Susanna introduces her program of holistic self-healing for the female organs and the many practical benefits that can arise from that--sexual healing, clearing out effects of internalized misogyny, preventing or reversing post-menopausal symptoms naturally, and cultivating life-long sexual vitality.

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April 15, 2022
12:55pm TZ
Taught by Susanna McCan
Taught by Susanna McCan

Susanna works with women cultural change agents to help them clear out internalized misogyny and integrate their sexuality into their personal and spiritual path of development--for more pleasure, vitality, and Holy Power to fulfill their missions.

She draws on her:

  • Education in cultural anthropology and Jungian psychology, Harvard.
  • 2-decade career and extensive training as a meditation teacher and practitioner, administering major meditation centers and initiating hundreds.
  • 2-decade career as an architectural consultant and designer using the ancient Vedic system of sacred architecture (Vastu), designing and/or consulting on hundreds of new homes. Insights into the human Body as a Temple--and the original Home of every human being.
  • 12 years of training and practice of Chi Gong, including women's sexual Chi Gong.
  • 10 years teaching women's workshops and leading retreats on women's sexual healing, Sacred Sexuality, and multi-dimensional Embodiment.


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